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22 Things I know about 4C Natural Hair Care.

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It’s 2022 and thought why not share 22 things I know about Natural hair care. I started embracing my hair back in 2016/2017 and cut most of my hair like twice. Catch up on my hair journey and a hair care routine.

Happy 2022 Tribe!???How excited are you about the new year? How was your 2021, smashed some hair goals?

Hello ManEmbracers, I hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to keep it here for everything hair care. To my loyal ones & day ones welcome back.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Let’s dive into the 22 things I know about Natural Hair.

Consistency is Key.

Whatever works for your hair, be consistent with that. Create a hair care routine that works for your hair and lifestyle & be consistent with it. 

Regimen/ routine; How I grow my natural hair long & thick.

Hair care regimen; Top 7 reasons It isn’t working.

Hair doesn’t grow overnight.

Create that routine, be consistent, practice some patience and you’ll notice growth & health gradually. Your hair won’t grow faster than it can, ditch that how do I grow my hair faster thought.

Top 9 reasons why your Natural Hair isn’t growing.

Magic growth products don’t work.

I know magic growth products can be tempting especially if you wanna grow your hair long and thick but they don’t work sis. If they worked all of us would have waist length hair, but do we?

Which products will grow my hair faster?

Must have Tools and Products for Natural Hair Beginner.

22 things I know about Natural Hair.
Because Afro hair is a beautiful crown

Healthy scalp, Healthy hair.

Should I add to that? Scalp provides an environment for your hair to thrive and it is also part of your skin, meaning it needs some TLC. Get rid of product & dirt build up by cleansing your scalp when necessary, don’t over cleanse.

Top 5 Scalp care tips for healthy hair.

Pay attention to your hair needs.

Your hair talks, listen. Pay attention to how it feels when dry, moisturized, how the products feel on your hair, what it likes and doesn’t like and so on. Know your hair curl pattern, which parts need more TLC, dries faster, is weaker, your porosity type and so on.

Protect your hair when sleeping.

Wear a satin/silk bonnet, scarf or use the same material pillowcase. The material is gentle on your hair unlike cotton. Loosely braid or twist before sleeping to keep your curls defined and popping.

Refresh your curls; Best 26 hydrating Curl Refreshers

Don’t rush off through the wash day.

Wash your hair when you’ve got the time. Take your time to properly detangle, cleanse all the build up and let those deep conditioning nutrients infuse into your hair shaft.

Wash day steps; How to Properly wash and condition Type 4 Hair

My 4C Natural Hair Wash day Routine.

Trim those ends.

Let those damaged & split ends go. Health over length any day, don’t hold on to damaged hair in the name of retaining length. Sis, that’s not how length retention works.

Trimming Natural Hair; Top 3 signs you need a trim.

Dusting; How to Trim Natural Hair without losing your length.

Aim at retaining length.

As long as you don’t focus on retaining length from your growth, you’ll always feel like your hair isn’t growing. Your hair is always growing so focus on retaining that length.

Hair care can feel exhausting sometimes.

It isn’t always easy peasy lemon squeezy, hair care can be exhausting & there are days when you don’t feel like touching your hair. Don’t give up on your hair, tuck your hair in a protective style & give yourself a break, you deserve it.

Protective styles / low manipulation styles.

Less manipulation means less breakage & more length retention. Wear styles that keep your ends tucked and styles you don’t have to comb, brush and  style everyday. Note; protective styles don’t literally grow your hair & make sure your protective styles are actually protective styles.

Top 5 reasons why protective styles are breaking your hair.

5 Steps to prep your Natural hair for Protective Style

Take breaks between protective styles.

Give your scalp a break from the protective styles pulls/ tension, enjoy wearing your crown and seeing your length & thickness.

Know the difference between breakage & shed hair.

Not all the hair on your brush or comb is breakage. Hair sheds at the end of hair growth cycle, wanna learn more about hair science?  Well, the science of black hair book explains everything about hair in detail. Shed hair has a white bulb unlike breakage.

Be gentle.

ALWAYS be gentle with your hair. Don’t pull or aggressively brush or comb your hair and NEVER manipulate /style your when dry, moisturize/ refresh your curls before styling.

Top 10 ways to moisturize Natural Hair.

Wide tooth comb is a gem.

Rat tail combs are made to section the hair not comb. Rat tail combs will cause strain on your scalp & won’t gently comb through your curls/ coils. Use a wide tooth comb to comb & detangle your hair.

24 Best Detanglers for Tangled 4C Natural Hair

Sectioning is the ultimate game changer.                                 

Sectioning is one of the most underrated hair care tip. It makes it easier to detangle, pay attention to the sensitive parts of your scalp, and evenly distribute the product.

Why sectioning Natural Hair is important.

Heat damage.

Excessive heat use, using heat at super high temperature, not using a heat protectant or using heat on unhealthy hair can cause heat damage. Watch how you use heat and the state of your hair before heat stretching or styling.

Moisture- Protein balance.

These two ought to be balanced if you want healthy hair. Use moisturizing deep conditioners and protein treatments to maintain the balance.

Protect your edges.

We all admire those cute, full and well laid edges and wish we had such. Those kinds of edges are achievable if you first know the causes of receding hairline then how to care & regrow them. Don’t pull or braid your edges, moisturize them and protect them when sleeping by wearing a satin bonnet that isn’t too tight.

Puffs and buns.

Buns & puffs are cute, easy to go to styles especially when you have no idea how to style your hair but can be a reason you’re losing your edges. Avoid holding them too tight and wearing them all the time.

Natural hair puffs; Top 8 Things you Must Know. 

Eat healthy & drink your water.

You know the saying, you’re what you eat. Well, that applies to your hair too. Care for your hair from the inside by eating right & staying hydrated or should I say moisturize from the inside.

You can be your own hair stylist.

There is a lot of hair care information & tutorials on the internet today which makes hair care easy and achievable. You don’t need a stylist to wash, condition, moisturize and style your hair & let’s face it some stylists might cost you that healthy hair.

What else do I know for sure;

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I would love to know, what do you know for sure?

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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