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Hair Regimen: How I Grow my 4C Natural Hair

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Have a hair regimen/ routine? Hair regimen is essential for growth of healthy hair. On this post, I’ll share hair regimen steps or rather my detailed hair regimen.

Hello and welcome to The Naturals Tribe, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Well, I do switch up products and processes, drop some hair care practices and get into others but my hair regimen barely changes cause consistency is key if you wanna smash those hair goals. So, let’s get down to my hair routine and will do share tips and my recently acquired hair practices.

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My hair care regimen/ routine.


I cleanse my hair after two weeks unlike most naturals who wash their hair weekly. Honestly, I don’t have the heart & time for it. My wash day routine goes like pre poo, cleansing, deep conditioning, moisturizing and air drying.

Pre poo/pre-shampoo– I pre poo with a mix of olive & castor oil or a rinse off conditioner when my hair feels super dry and brittle, lately I leave the pre-poo for an hour or so. On days when my hair feels moisturized I only pre poo with Aloe Vera gel direct from the leaf or an instant conditioner. Here is a detailed post on pre poo.

The perfect preshampoo treatments for your hair;

Detangling-I slightly detangle as I pre poo and before shampooing using the pre poo products. I ensure that I try to get rid of all shed hair and breakage, I use fingers to detangle. For all tips on detangling right catch up here.

Detanglers that will give you the slip necessary to melt away the tangles;

Hair Regimen: How I Grow my 4C Natural Hair

Cleansing/shampoo- I shampoo/wash my hair in 4 or 6 sections but mostly four so as to get rid of build up probably cleanse and give my scalp a relaxing and growth stimulating massage. Shampoo your length and scalp, don’t scratch your scalp if it feels itchy use your finger pads to massage and cleanse with warm water not hot water(may damage your scalp). If possible rinse off the shampoo with running water.

Related posts;

Best clarifying and moisturizing shampoos for clean and healthy hair;

Deep conditioning-sometimes I do deep condition overnight, on those lazy wash days. I do DIY deep conditioners(avocado/banana/mango, Aloe Vera, honey & oils), let them sit for an hour or two before rinsing off. Lately, I’ve fallen off the DIY bandwagon, it doesn’t seem to work for me. On some days I do hot oil treatment with a little deep conditioner and so far so good, my hair never felt this moisturized. I rinse off with lukewarm water and cold water for the final rinse.

Moisturizing deep conditioners;

Protein based deep conditioner

I do air dry my hair but before that I use a t-shirt to absorb the water until my hair is damp then apply leave-in conditioner and oil before wearing four braids(matuta) or flat twists and let my hair dry.
I got you on wash day routine and tips.

I first moisturize after rinsing off the deep conditioner. When in a protective style, I moisturize weekly and when the weather decides to dry off my hair I do twice a week. I moisturize after 2 days or every other day when wearing my hair out. I only use water + leave-in conditioner and oil to moisturize and seal.

Must try moisturizing leave-in conditioners


Twists and twist outs, braid and braid outs, flat twists, cornrows, puffs and wearing my fro out are my to go to styles. I love twists cause I can wear the twists for weeks before rocking the bomb twist outs. Braids are gorgeous as well especially when you master the art of a bomb braid out. I’ll be getting more adventurous with the styling, watch out for that. I avoid tight styles and know not all protective styles are protective.

natural hair regimen; protective style


I do dusting at least twice a month and this saves me lots of knots, tangles, frizz, rugged ends and losing inches to trimming. I do trim once in a while. Get to know when you need a trim and how to dust those split ends.

Trimming 4C Natural Hair without Heat at Home.


I so much hate sleeping with my hair covered so I sleep on a satin pillowcase. You can sleep on a satin bonnet/ scarf or pillowcase. On instances when my hair ain’t in a protective style, I wear a high puff/ pineapple to sleep.

Scalp care.

I do scalp massages when I can but after my pre poo and during shampoo I give my scalp a relaxing and growth stimulating massage. If not in a hurry I give my scalp a few minutes massage while moisturizing.

Scalp massages stimulate growth and flow of blood ,nutrients and proper products penetration in the scalp. For those struggling with residing hairline, do daily massages with castor oil/ any hair growth oil to regrow your edges and practice low manipulation and avoid tight hairstyles.

Growth stimulating oils to use for scalp massages

Brushing & combing/heat

My fingers do all the combing and brushing, I do use wide tooth comb to detangle sometimes and I don’t lay my edges too. Excessive brushing and combing will thin out your hair reducing your volume and if you have to use a comb, get a wide tooth comb.

I haven’t used heat in the last two and half years, if I need to stretch my hair I do stretch with braids(matutas), cornrows or flat twists. Avoid excessive use of heat, it damages your scalp and weakens your hair strands.

Hair Regimen: How I Grow my 4C Natural Hair

More Tips for hair regimen.

Get a hair regimen that fits your occupation, schedules, daily exercises, weather and so on. The hair routine should be consistent just like your work out or skin care routine.
Always work with sectioned hair it saves you time and tangles.

Don’t manipulate dry or dripping wet hair both are prone to breakage and never skip deep conditioning and moisturizing.
Your nails can be the cause of breakage, make sure your nails aren’t broken or have nail art that might snag your hair.

Don’t over-manipulate your hair and ensure your hair dresser/ stylist doesn’t pull or hold your hair tightly and avoid adding a huge extension on a small patch of hair.

When trying out products, start with a whole brand line and keep on with the trial and error until you find out which products work best for your hair.
For volume chasers, tips for you.

Hope you have learnt something and have you found a regimen that works best for you?

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. justcalmwildness

    You changed the name from Mane Embracer😪😪😪

    1. Crowned Naturally

      For the timing being, you miss it already😋…. Trying to settle on a domain name and intro

  2. Riungu Faith🌻

    Your regimen is amazing.
    I mean to ask, is your hair low or high porosity?

  3. Lesego

    How to change from relaxed to natural hair. I dnt want to cut my hair coz it’s long nd it’s relaxed hair

    1. NaturallyVal

      Hello Lesego, you can’t change relaxed hair but you can grow it out as you cut off the relaxed ends

  4. Anonymous

    Can you use any product for your hair or are you supposed to stick to one type of a product?

  5. Deborah

    It is very good ,i like your routine

    1. NapturallyVal

      Thank you💜💜💜. I hope you do have a consistent routine too

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