So, I wanna share hair care practices responsible for growth and health. These are general hair care practices that you too can try out and most of them will work for you if not all of them.
Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to keep it here for everything hair care. To my loyal ones & day ones welcome back. Have you checked out our payhip store yet?
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Length, volume & health are hair goals that we chase but do we have the right hair care practices in place? First, growth doesn’t happen in a blink, you need patience & listen to what you hair likes & hates, trust me your hair speaks. With the right hair care practices and products, you will achieve your hair goals.
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.
Table of Contents

12 Hair care practices: Grow 4C healthy, long and thick.
Consistent hair care regimen.
A consistent hair regimen is the foundation for healthy hair & growth. A regimen entails prepoo & detangling, cleansing, deep conditioning, moisturizing and protective styling. Do you have a hair care regimen? Check out mine here to guide you. Ain’t noticing any growth & you’ve got a hair care regimen? This is why your regimen isn’t working.
Also read: Healthy & Simple 4C Natural Hair Routine
Right products & tools.
By right products I mean products that are perfect for your hair. Figuring out the right products for you can be a hassle but not impossible. Note down how your hair reacts to each product you use and before trying any products, check out the reviews. Here are products and tools essential in your hair care journey.
Refresh your curls; Best 26 hydrating Curl Refreshers
Moisturizing Deep Conditioners for Type 4 Dry Natural hair.
24 Best Detanglers for Tangled 4C Natural Hair
10 Best Co-washes & Cleansing conditioners for Natural Hair
Scalp massages.
Experiencing a receding hairline or bald patches? Massage with castor oil everyday. Use your finger balls to massage in a circular motion. Massages with castor oil stimulates growth. Here are the causes of receding hairline and how to regrow your edges.

Length retention practices.
Your hair is always growing but if you aren’t retaining any length, your hair will feel like it’s been the same length for the longest time. How can I retain length you ask? Wear protective styles that are protective, tuck your ends, moisturize your hair properly & regularly, don’t comb or manipulate dry hair etc.
Top 7 length retention tips for Type 4 Hair
Working with sections.
ALWAYS work in sections, it saves you time & tangles. Section your hair into 4-8 parts depending on your volume & length when cleansing, moisturizing, detangling, & applying products. Other than saving you time, it helps you know if you have different hair texture or porosity type.
Why sectioning Natural Hair is important.
Trimming and dusting.
Yes, you need to let those split & damaged ends go. Holding on to them cos you wanna see your length will have you losing much of that length. How often you trim/dust depends on how much you manipulate your hair & your hair type too. Here are signs that you need a trim and what you need to know about dusting. I do dusting every two weeks but lately have been slacking.
Combing and brushing.
DON’T comb or brush dry hair, avoid breaking your hair & causing strain on your scalp. Don’t comb/brush your hair everyday, always minimize manipulating your hair daily and use wide tooth combs when combing your hair, hair pick to fluff your twist/braid out & Afro.
Also read: Top 12 causes of Natural Hair Breakage you should know.
Experiencing severe Hair breakage? 12 ways to stop it.
Bed-time hair care/ night routine.
Sleep in satin/ silk bonnets /scarf /pillowcase. Cotton scarf & pillowcase absorb the moisture from your hair. Moisturize your hair before bed if it feels dry & hold it in a puff or chunky twists.
Finger Detangling.
Always finger detangle first before combing or brushing through your length. Finger detangling is more gentle on your hair & gets rid of the tangles easily. Catch up on detangling tips here.
Everything Tangles and how to properly detangle Type 4 Natural Hair.
Tucking the ends.
The ends are the oldest, fragile and most exposed parts of your hair thus should be given all the TLC. Keep your ends tucked or protected to avoid snagging with your fabric, jewel and other surfaces.
Moisturizing properly and regularly.
Dry hair is difficult to handle and prone to split ends and breakage. Moisturizing is essential for growth of healthy hair, makes your hair manageable & minimizes breakage. LOC/LCO moisturizing methods are the universal moisturizing methods but you can also add moisture by doing hot oil treatment, baggy moisturizing method pre-poo etc. Here are ways to add moisture to your hair.
Also read: How to keep Type 4 Natural Hair Moisturized for Longer
Protective styling.
Not all protective styles are protective, here is why. Protective styles give your hair a break from manipulation and help retain length. Wear protective styles often if you wanna retain length and grow your hair.
Doing your hair by yourself is also essential for the growth of healthy hair and helps you know more about your hair and how to care for it but if you have a stylist who can work with your hair, consider her/ him doing your hair. If possible avoid heat.
Check out my payhip shop for hair care ebooks, guides and journals here. Grab your copy, let’s grow our hair long and healthy.
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Which hair care practices have worked for you?