Transitioning to natural hair can be a challenge but isn’t impossible. In this post I share with you tips on how to transition from relaxed and damaged hair to healthy natural hair.
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Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to keep it here for everything hair care. To my loyal ones & day ones welcome back. Have you checked out our payhip store yet?
Hey you yes you, been thinking of transitioning to Natural hair but still indecisive? Well, this is your sign to get down on it. Your natural texture is gorgeous and rocking it in all its glory can be empowering. Side note; there is nothing wrong with relaxing your hair, how you choose to wear your hair is okay.
Table of Contents
Tips for smooth Transitioning to Natural Hair
Transition methods;
- Big chop- chop off all the relaxed hair
- Long Term Transition- grow out your natural texture as you trim the relaxed ends.
Long term transitioning can take up to a year or more so it needs long term commitment & I know that can be crazy that’s why I’m sharing a few tips on transitioning.
Choose a transitioning method.
You can transition via big chop or long term transitioning. Long term transitioning is for us who can’t imagine how we would look with a TWA(Teeny Weeny Afro) but if dealing with two textures & retaining your length is your cup of tea/coffee whichever drink you love, big chop will work for you. I mean we ought to pick one struggle.
Create a hair care routine & be consistent.
A routine keeps you grounded and helps with figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Also, your hair care routine has to be consistent, that’s the only way to know what’s working. You can start with washing your hair weekly, wearing protective styles and trimming every few weeks.
Regimen/ routine; How I grow my natural hair long & thick.
Healthy & Simple 4C Natural Hair Routine
Products and Tools.
If you haven’t been using natural hair friendly products, you may consider purchasing them (shampoo, moisturizing deep conditioner, protein treatment, detangler, moisturizer, oils and butters). Also purchase tools essential for hair care (wide tooth comb, hair clips, scrunchies, bonnets etc)
Easy on heat styling.
We all know excessive and wrong use of heat can damage your strands and when transitioning heat may cause more damage, like changing the curl pattern of your new growth though it helps with making your hair look uniform.
Pay attention to what works & what doesn’t.
As I mentioned, being consistent with your routine will go a long way in helping you out with this. Also, keep a hair journal, document your journey from product review, current length, changes in curl patterns and so on.
Side note; if you would be interested in having a hair journal, whether transitioning or not, let me know in the comment section.
Deep conditioning.
Deep conditioners help restore and retain moisture, strengthen the hair & reconstruct the broken protein bonds due to damage. Deep condition after cleansing & keep in mind that you have to maintain the moisture – protein balance.
Why deep conditioning your Type 4 Natural Hair is Essential for growth of healthy hair.
Moisturizing Deep Conditioners for Type 4 Dry Natural hair.
Why protein treatment is essential for Healthy Type 4 Natural Hair.

Be patient.
Hair doesn’t grow overnight and magic growth products don’t work cos if they did we would all have waist length hair, but do we? Be patient with your journey, enjoy it and learn more about your hair and how to give it the TLC it deserves.
Moisturize! Moisturize!
We all know dry hair is prone to breakage and we can’t afford losing hair while tryna grow it out. Moisture improves elasticity and manageability thus minimizing breakage. Moisturize daily or every other day, find out what works best for your hair.
Top 10 ways to moisturize Natural Hair.
LOC/LCO Natural hair moisturizing methods; What you must know.
Moisturizing products and tools for 4C Natural Hair.
How to keep Type 4 Natural Hair Moisturized for Longer
Regular Trims.
The damaged ends got to go with time. So, schedule your trims however you want, monthly or after every 6-8 weeks.
Trimming Natural Hair; Top 3 signs you need a trim.
Dusting; How to Trim Natural Hair without losing your length.
Consider protective styles.
Styling and wearing two textures can be such a pain and that’s where protective styles come in. They help protect the line of demarcation and give you a break from dealing with two textures.
Ensure your protective styles are actually protective, not causing more damage.
Top 5 reasons why protective styles are breaking your hair.
5 Steps to prep your Natural hair for Protective Style
Lastly, follow bloggers or hair content creators for tips, to learn more about hair, products & ingredients and so on.
Thank you for reading, share with everyone and support my blog here.
I would love to know which tips worked best for you.