Stimulating edges growth

7 length Retention Tips for 4C Natural Hair

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Length retention means retaining your existing hair length through proper hair care practices and consistent hair care routine.

Feeling like your hair isn’t growing , haven’t noticed increase in length for sometime or it feels like your hair has stopped growing? Well, your hair is always growing and most probably you aren’t retaining the length, your hair is breaking more than it’s growing thus feeling like your hair stopped growing.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Length retention tips for natural hair

The growth rate differs from person to person and if I were you, I wouldn’t compare my growth rate to someone else. I know it’s tempting to compare your growth rate especially with friends you began the hair journey with and that also could be the reason you ain’t noticing any growth or it could be SHRINKAGE, stretch your hair for length checks.

So, if you’re experiencing stunted growth here are top tips to retain more length.

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Length retention Tips.

Avoid Over-manipulation.

This has to be my first length retention tip since most times we over-manipulate our hair with excessive brushing, combing & styling. Wanting to wear different styles every single days feels awesome until you start experiencing excessive breakage.

Style your hair at least twice or thrice a week if you have to. Using the wrong tools; small toothed combs can cause strain and snap your strands out. How could I forget the hands on hair syndrome, am still struggling with this. Keep hands off your hair please.

Protective styles.

Protective styles are the best way to retain length when installed the right way and cared for well. Not all protective styles are protective and if you are wearing a protective style and notices excessive breakage, this could why. Protective styles range from twists/twist outs, buns, Bantu knots, cornrows, flat twists, braids/braid-outs etc.

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Looking for protective styles with an extension? How about you consider these;

Moisturize! Seal in!

Dry hair is prone to tangles, knots and eventually breakage. Moisturize your hair regularly and seal in the moisture. Use a water based moisturizer, add moisture with a leave-in if need be and seal with an oil/butter of choice.

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Protect the ends.

The ends are the oldest part of your strands thus need more TLC. Start off with trimming the split ends. The split ends end up tangling, forming knots which makes it hella hectic to detangle and keep extending up the strands thus more tangles and eventually breakage.

Keep your ends moisturized and seal in to avoid dry ends and splits. Tuck your ends too to avoid them being snagged by zippers, neck pieces or accessories on your clothing because this will lead to split ends, tangles and breakage.

Avoid towel drying & protect hair while sleeping.

Rubbing towel on your hair causes friction which weakens your strands making them prone to breakage. Dry your hair by wrapping a towel and letting it absorb the moisture or use a microfiber towel or an old T-shirt to dry your hair by holding it on your sections to dry it.

You can also air dry if you ain’t on a rush. Protect your hair while sleeping with satin scarf/ bonnet/ pillowcase. Cotton scarfs and pillowcase absorb moisture leaving it dry and the friction weakens your already dry hair breaking it.

Too much heat.

Excessive heat damages, thins and weakens your strands and damaged/weak strands are prone to breakage. When using heat, keep it minimal and use a heat protectant to avoid heat damage.

Some of the heat protectants that you can use to avoid heat damage;

Healthy regimen/routine

Create a healthy hair routine and adhere to it religiously. Your hair needs progressive care, knowing it needs and feeding it with the right ingredients. Know your products, hair porosity and the protective styles that work for you.

Your routine should include;

And above practice patience and love your hair as you grow it out. Say hello to more length. What’re your length retention tips.

Check out my mini twists length retention challenge here.

Follow me: Instagram @napturally_val

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Curly afrikana

    Hi, Valerie I love this advice and I totally agree especially the part about comparing our hair with others.

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