Natural Hair beginner Mistakes to avoid and practices to adopt

15 Mistakes Most Natural Hair Beginners Make

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Probably the reason why your hair isn’t flourishing as you thought and wished it would is because you’re making these mistakes most natural hair beginners make.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Natural Hair Beginner Mistakes to avoid

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Mistakes are inevitable and are lessons too and when it comes to hair care they can cost you health and length. Today’s post is all about mistakes that most natural hair beginners make and some that I’ve also made along the way .

Mistakes to Avoid as a Natural Hair Beginner

Neglecting hair basics.

The minute you decide to transition to natural hair or take better care of your hair, is the minute you sign up to learn all the hair care basics from products, styling to hair care routines. Learning the hair care basics saves you lots of trial and error and mistakes. Don’t be like Val, I started my hair care journey blindly and figured things along the way which had me stuck at the same length for a minute and dealing with either dry hair or hair that was too oily.

The first thing you ought to learn is hair care routines and healthy hair care practices that you ought to adopt. Know how to moisturize, the different porosity types and essential hair care products, how and when to use them. Also, look for bloggers or rather content creators with the same hair as yours.

Natural hair beginner tips and mistakes to avoid

High/ Unrealistic Expectations.

I know most of us if not all of us dream is to have Pinterest worthy natural hair when we start our hair care journey. It’s okay to dream and wish but it’s unhealthy to expect instant results. Having a healthy, full and long hair takes time and patience, if it happened overnight we all would have those kinds of manes but do we? Have realistic expectations, create realistic hair goals and a plan to get there.

Wet hair doesn’t mean moisturized hair.

This was me when I was a newbie, I thought moisturized hair should be damp and I would literally have my hair sopping wet every morning then apply a coconut hair butter. Wet and damp hair doesn’t equate to moisturized hair and always having your hair wet can cause hygral fatigue.

One thing you ought to know is how to moisturize, which moisturizing method works best for you and how to retain moisture in your hair for long. Moisturizing is essential for healthy, soft and manageable hair.

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Inconsistent Hair Care Routine

Start by creating a simple routine that’s in line with your hair needs and lifestyle. Then be consistent, achieving Pinterest worth hair isn’t an overnight task. The tip is to keep your hair care routine simple and be consistent.

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Wrong products use.

One thing some of us get wrong as newbies is how to use the different hair conditioners. I know of people who rinsed off leave-in conditioners because it was used as a deep conditioner. Before buying any product make sure you know how to use each and also the best ingredients to look for.

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Buying Every Product that promises a certain result you want.

If you don’t need a product or you already have essential products, don’t buy any other product. You can’t buy each and every product that promises growth, moisture, defined curls and so on, just have the products that you need. You will never know which products work best for you if you keep changing products every other day or week.

Ignoring the scalp.

Your scalp needs some TLC too, don’t focus on your hair and forget about it. When moisturizing, moisturize it too, oil it when needed and when washing your hair, pay attention to your scalp. Also, when holding or styling your hair be gentle and don’t hold your hair too tight as this may cause tension on your scalp. Pay attention to product build up and cleanse your scalp and hair when you notice product build up. Catch up on all posts about scalp care here.

Tight hairstyles.

I know you want neat hairstyles whether it’s braids, twists, buns and puff but neat doesn’t mean tight. Tight hairstyles may thin your edges and traction alopecia. Avoid holding your buns and puffs too tight to a point of getting a headache. And when installing protective styles, make sure they are not tightly installed. Be gentle on your scalp, it’s as important as your hair if not more.

Hair comparison.

Comparison is such a joy kill. Don’t compare your hair or your hair journey to someone else’s even if you started the journey at the same time with same hair length. Everyone’s hair is different and their journey is different too. We all have different growth rates meaning someone’s hair might be growing faster than yours or even their length retention game is top notch. Love your hair as it and enjoy every step of your journey.

Overusing heat.

So you know, heat damage is a thing. Excessive use of heat and using heat without protecting your hair from damage may cost you. Heat styling is okay as long as you’re using a heat protectant and not overdoing it. Too much heat breaks the protein bonds and structure weakening your hair and we all know weak hair is susceptible to breakage.

Related post: best heat protectants to protect hair from heat damage.

Other mistakes you ought to know:

  • Overmanipulation/ constantly styling, brushing and combing your hair. Let your hair rest, give it a break.
  • Improper detangling and not using the right detangling products and tools. Use a detangling product with a good slip and detangle with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush.
  • Brushing and combing sopping wet or super dry hair. Never manipulate dry hair or sopping wet hair. If you need to style, brush or comb your hair, do so on moisturized hair. Spray some water, apply your go to moisturizer and moisture sealant then style.
  • Not deep conditioning your hair as needed. Always use a moisturizing deep conditioner after shampooing your hair and if your hair is damaged, use a protein treatment monthly or as needed.
  • Skipping trims. If your ends are damaged, they ought to go. When transitioning without the big chop, you’ll need to trim the ends as you grow your natural texture.

I hope you found this post helpful. Thank you for reading, share with everyone and support my blog here.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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