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Quick 5 Step 4C Natural Hair Wash day Routine.

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Has your wash day routine, products you use changed over time or nah?

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One thing I have noticed about hair care is your wash day routine, haircare practice, routine and products will change or need a switch up over time for whatever reason.

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Natural Hair wash day routine 
Step by step wash day guide 
4c natural hair wash day routine

I’ve noticed a few changes in my wash day routine, from using instant conditioner to pre-poo instead of oils, detangling as I wash my hair, letting my hair air dry in flat twists instead of my usual braids and lastly sectioning my hair into 4 parts each side for easy manageability.

How my Hair Wash Day Routine looks like now.


Went from 2-4 sections real quick though I don’t feel like my hair volume has increased that much to demand 4 sections. I love working with the 4 sections because the smaller the sections, the less products you use, it’s easy to detangle & gives better access to the scalp etc.

Related post: why hair sectioning is important

Pre – poo & Detangling.

For the longest time I used oils & on a few instances DIY Aloe vera gel  to pre-poo, until a few months ago. A few months ago sis purchased an instant conditioner for detangling that ended up being a pre-poo product and detangler.

I apply it on my sectioned hair and let it sit on my hair for 30 minutes. I do use oils to pre poo on instances where my hair feels dry, let the product sit for an hour or so before detangling.

I was that girl that detangled her hair while watching her favorite shows as a distraction from the I hate detangling, is it really necessary and I know I just started detangling but sis is already tired thoughts. Just the thought of I need to detangle will have me feeling fatigue from my head to my toes. Do you guys hate detangling or it’s just me?

Related posts; best detanglers for tangled hair.

How has my detangling process changed? I detangle right before cleansing each section. Hydrate the section until it’s sopping wet, apply a substantial amount of conditioner to coat every strand then detangle with a wide-tooth comb from the ends to the roots which has saved me the detangling dread & I don’t spend as much time detangling as I used to.

Cleansing & Deep conditioning.

Other than working with 4 sections when cleansing, nothing has changed. I cleanse a section at a time, once done I apply a deep conditioner a section at a time and run a wide-tooth comb to detangle. Did I mention that I went back to warming up my deep conditioner before application? This helps infuse the nutrients.

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Moisturizing & Drying.

I haven’t used oil to seal in the moisture for some time now. I have been using warm water and mosara hydrating butter to moisturize, I thought I should mention that for those who missed my previous post. Back to wash day, after rinsing off the deep conditioner I use a T-shirt to absorb the water leaving my hair damp.

I then apply the hydrating butter on each section before braiding it. Lately, I’ve been air drying my hair in flat twists because they give me more length and defined curls.

I feel like my wash day routine right now is a bomb and I’m enjoying wash days because they don’t take so long like they used to. I think it’s safe to say I found the ideal wash day routine for my hair, right?

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I would love to know how your wash day routine looks like and has it changed over time?

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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