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5 Tips for Bomb Twist Outs on 4C Natural Hair

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Well, to achieve a bomb twist outs, you ought to have juicy twists as well.

Heeyyah mane embracers, how’re y’all holding up? Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.

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How to achieve bomb twist outs everytime

Mastering juicy, bouncy and defined twist outs can be hella hectic and it takes a couple of fails to get there. Have had my share of failed twist outs but they weren’t too bad or so I think. Have had frizz on gorgeous twist outs, almost cried. You can get gorgeous twists out every time if you can master the art of perfect twists, when and how to untwist.

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How to achieve bomb twist outs on 4C Hair

Perfecting twists.

I wear my twists for two weeks and rock the bomb twist outs for a week.
⦁ Start with freshly washed and deep conditioned hair

Best shampoos to cleanse your hair:

Deep conditioners to use for moisturized, soft and strong hair.

⦁ Twist on dry or wet hair. Personally, have done both and twists on dry hair are longer but lack the shine while twists on damp hair means less length, more shine and amazing definition.

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⦁ Section your hair. The number of sections depend on your hair volume or how you want your twist outs to come out for your preferred style.

Why sectioning Natural Hair is important.

⦁ Moisturize. Spritz your hair with water or the contents in your spray bottle until its damp, add more moisture with your favorite moisturizer/ leave in conditioner. Your hair should be silky soft, you can also use your favorite curling cream as well. Personally I don’t use a curling cream. For moisturizing , I moisturize a section first twist it then on to the next.

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⦁ Twist. twist each moisturized section. The number of twists depend on your volume, time. Twist each strand first for definition or you can just wear lose twists. The two strands to braid should be equal to avoid borrowing , this may lead to frizz and tangles. Don’t forget to seal in the moisture.

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The bomb twist outs.

Now that you have your gorgeous twists, let’s get down to twist outs. If you are to wear twists for weeks like your girl here, then you must keep them moisturized. My leave-in is a super moisturizer, so I moisturize on weekends only.

Don’t unravel your twists if not fully dry. Press your twists on your fingers to check for moisture before unraveling.

Apply oil on your hands before unraveling, don’t use your nails to unravel, untwist on the opposite direction and voila! bouncy, juicy and defined twist outs.

Twist outs don’t have to be boring, you can style them too or just pick the roots and step out like the queen you are.

Twist outs related posts:

Thank you for reading, share with everyone and support my blog here.

That’s all from me, share your tips and hacks as well. I hope on seeing your perfected juicy, curly and bouncy twist outs.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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