This is why your scalp is dry

Major Causes of Dry Scalp on 4C Natural Hair

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Dry scalp? This post is for you. Natural hair can be prone to dryness especially if you haven’t nailed how to Moisturize your hair’s porosity type. The scalp also gets dry not only the hair and this can lead to itching, flaking, and discomfort. To treat dry hair, you ought to first know and understand the major causes of dry hair.

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Why your scalp is dry,  major causes of dry scalp, dry scalp on 4c hair,

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Here are some common causes of dry scalp that you ought to know about and how to prevent it.

Major causes of dry scalp.

Over-Styling/ Over manipulation.

Heat styling, braiding, and constantly styling your natural hair can cause stress on the scalp and lead to dryness. To prevent this, limit heat styling and if possible do away with heat, I haven’t used heat in years mostly because my scalp is sensitive and heat damage is a thing. For those who use heat to stretch hair, you can adopt heatless stretching methods like braiding, banding, African threading and so on. Also, give your hair and scalp a break from constant styling, pulling, brushing and combing.

Related post; how to care for Protective Styles for maximum length retention and growth

Lack of Moisture

Our hair and scalp requires moisture to maintain its health and elasticity. Using the wrong products for your porosity type or not moisturizing your hair as it needs can lead to dryness. When moisturizing, don’t only moisturize your hair, moisturize your scalp too and oil it if it needs it. Don’t oil, oily scalp because this will cause itchy scalp and dandruff, know the state of your scalp before you oil it. Don’t oil just out of habit.

Major Causes of Dry Scalp on 4C Natural Hair

Posts related to Moisturizing;


Washing your hair too frequently and/ or using a clarifying or sulphate shampoo frequently can strip it of its natural oils and cause dryness, particularly on the scalp. Be sure to create a routine that is hair and scalp friendly and if you don’t experience lots of product buildup, use a gentle cleansing shampoo.

Posts related to cleansing;

Using Harsh Products.

Certain hair care products, have ingredients like sulfates and alcohol, can dry out the scalp and hair. Look out for sulphates in cleansers that dry your hair and alcohols like Ethanol alcohol, Ethyl alcohol, Propanol alcohol, Alcohol denat, Isopropyl alcohol, Isopropanol alcohol & Benzyl alcohol that have a drying effect and cause frizz. There are good alcohols like Cetyl alcohol, Cetearyl alcohol, Stearyl alcohol & Lauryl alcohol that add moisture, thicken hair products and give a good slip for detangling. When purchasing products look for healthy ingredients formulated for hair that will help with moisturizing, hair strengthening, repair damage, keep moisture locked in and restore natural shine.

Neglecting Scalp Care.

Neglecting the health of your scalp can lead to dryness and other scalp issues. Not moisturizing, letting dirt and product build up for long without cleansing, using products with harsh ingredients and not oiling if your scalp needs it is a recipe for unhealthy scalp. Keep your scalp healthy, get rid of build up and do regular scalp massages to increase blood circulation and stimulate growth.

Related post; Top 5 healthy scalp hair care tips.

In summary;

  • Healthy scalp, healthy hair
  • You can’t afford to neglect your scalp
  • Don’t overcleanse and use gentle cleansers
  • Moisturize your scalp too
  • Do regular scalp massages with an oil of choice
  • Be gentle with your scalp and avoid too much manipulation; braiding, heat styling.
  • Eat healthy

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How do you care for your scalp?

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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