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Best Products for Dry 4C Natural Hair.

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Looking for the products for dry hair that will solve the hair dryness issue? This post is for you. I don’t know of any person who likes their hair dry and lifeless. We all want moisturized, soft hair with defined curls and coils. There’s something amazing about touching well moisturized hair but touching dry hair can be depressing.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

When purchasing hair products, purchase with purpose. By this I mean buy products that will benefit your hair, fix that hair issue and improve the overall health of your hair. For instance, when dealing with dry hair, purchase products that’ll add moisture into your hair.

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Best products for dry natural hair

All Things Dry Hair; Causes, Products to Use and Those to Avoid.

Why is your Natural Hair Dry?

Right before purchasing those hair moisturizing, conditioning and cleansing products, you ought to figure out why is your hair really dry. Write down how your hair care routine looks like, is it healthy? Which products are you using? Do they have harsh and drying ingredients? How does your moisturizing routine look like? These prompt questions will help pinpoint exactly what’s going on.

Having a hair journal to document your hair care journey and practices makes it easier to figure out what could be the problem. We have a weekly hair journal for y’all to document those daily hair care routines. Buy yours here and if you’re a hair care beginner we’ve got guides for you here.

Not sure what causing the hair dryness, here are the major reasons why your hair is always dry;

  • Using products with drying and harsh ingredients.
  • Using oils only to moisturize. Note that oils are not moisturizers, can be used as moisture sealants.
  • Not moisturizing at all or using only water to moisturize. Your hair needs more than that.
  • You might have high porosity hair that you haven’t figured out how to care for and the best products for it. Not sure whether your hair is highly porous, click here.
  • Your hair might be damaged especially if you notice that your ends are always dry and keep tangling.
  • Consistent use protein based products causing moisture – protein imbalance and protein overload.

Related post; why your natural hair is always dry.

Best products to use on dry hair

Best Products for Dry Hair on Wash Day.

For dry hair, always start by pre-pooing the hair, you don’t want to start cleansing your hair when dry since some shampoos can dry your hair even more. Pre – shampoo products or treatments offer a protective layer minimizing the stripping effect of shampoos. You can choose to use oils, rinse off conditioners or already formulated pre-shampoo products to pre- poo and detangle too.

Pre- shampoo treatments to try;

Related posts; how to Pre-poo natural hair and its benefits.

Moisturizing Shampoo.

Moisturizing shampoo are it when it comes to dry hair. Add that moisture to the strand instead of using clarifying shampoos that will leave your hair dry. Clarifying shampoos are perfect when you hair has dirt and product build or after wearing a long term protective style. With low porosity hair, you may need to clarify once in a while.

Related post; best gentle cleansing shampoos.

How to use products on dry hair to revive it

Moisturizing deep conditioners

These deep conditioners should be used after cleansing or rather shampooing to deep moisturize and condition the hair. Perfect to revive dry and lifeless hair. For damaged and weak hair, use protein treatments to repair damage and strengthen the hair or you can go for a deep conditioner with moisture – protein balance.

Related post; best deep conditioner with moisture – protein balance

Moisturizing deep conditioners to try;

Related post; moisturizing deep conditioners for dry hair.

Moisturizing Leave-in conditioners

Moisturizing right after rinsing moisturizing deep conditioner is the hair hack you never thought you needed. To properly moisturize and retain moisture, use a moisturizing leave-in conditioner on wet hair then braid to stretch and air dry. Also, before purchasing any moisturizing product, make sure you know your hair’s porosity type.

Moisture sealants which are butters or oils, are used by most naturals to lock in the moisture, keeping your hair moisturized for longer periods. Personally, I don’t use moisture sealant, thick and creamy moisturizing leave-in conditioners work best for me. I noticed when I use oils or butters to lock in moisture, my hair wouldn’t get damp as fast when re-moisturizing.

Products to moisturize dry natural hair

Moisturizing leave-in conditioners

Related post; moisturizing leave-in conditioners for dry hair.

Products to Use Between Wash Days.

In between washes, all you need to do is re-moisturize and style your hair. When re-moisturizing, use either a hydrating leave-in conditioner or hydrating hair mist and follow up with oil or butter sealants.

Best moisturizing hair mists;

For moisture sealants you can choose to use either butters or oils.

Best butters for locking moisture in your strands;

Best moisture sealing oils which are perfect for stimulating growth too;

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.