Must have wash day products for natural hair

Wash Day Products for 4C Natural Hair

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What are you must have hair wash day products? My must have are; shampoo, deep conditioner, leave-in conditioner, butter/ oil.

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Wash days do feel like an extreme sport sometime especially those days when your hairi is tangled. On this post, I mention the products you need on wash day and how best to use them.

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6 Wash day products for 4C natural hair
Hair wash day products

4C hair wash day products.


You will definitely need a product that melts those tangles. Detangling is easier with the right detangler. To detangle, you can use a detangler, conditioner with a good slip, some leave-in conditioners also offer the slip.

Lately, I haven’t been using any detangler or conditioner because the leave-in iconditioner I have been using just needs water to activate the product and the slip.

To detangle, section your hair into small manageable parts, apply your go to detangler then start detangling from the ends to the roots with your fingers then follow up with a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush.

Pre-poo/ Pre-shampoo treatment/ oils.

If you must do a pre-shampoo treatment you will need a product for that. Don’t know what pre-poo is and its benefits, read more on this post. You can use a conditioner, oil, DIY products or products formulated for pre-pooing.

You just apply the product in sections to coat every strand, wear a shower cap or thermal cap for a few minutes for the product to infuse in your hair before cleansing.


You need a cleanser to get rid of the dirt and product build up. You can choose to either use gentle cleansers or clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoo are best for low porosity hair and cleansing after a long term protective style. Be sure to apply your shampoo on sopping wet hair for it to lather easily.

Deep conditioners

The next products you will need is moisturizing deep conditioner, protein based deep conditioner(protein treatment) or a deep conditioner with both moisturizing and protein ingredients. Deep conditioning is a crucial step in hair care routine. Read more about it on this post.

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You apply deep conditioners on damp hair after cleansing. Apply the products in sections, use a thermal cap to infuse the nutrients for a couple of minutes then rinse it off.

Leave-in conditioners.

After rinsing off the deep conditioner, you want your hair moisturized and retain moisture for long and that’s where a leave-in conditioner comes in. Always moisturize before letting your hair air dry.

Related post; how to moisturize after washing.

Apply the product on damp hair and leave it in your hair. Leave-in conditioners are supposed to be left in your hair until the next wash day. Catch up on all moisturizing posts here.

Related posts; best leave-in conditioners

Butters and Oils.

These are moisture sealants, they keep moisture locked in your hair for longer periods. You can choose to either use butter or an oil. I prefer butters to oils though lately I’m not using any moisture sealants. I just apply my go to leave-in cream and I’m sorted. I love using oils for scalp massages and my go to oil is diy rosemary infused oil.

Related post; best hair butters for moisture sealing.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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