15 Causes of 4C Hair Damage You Should Know
Are you doing everything right and still experience hair damage? Read on. Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to…
Are you doing everything right and still experience hair damage? Read on. Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to…
At some point you have heard the wash day is an extreme sport phrase but is it really? Hello ManEmbracers, I hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome…
Did you know moisture and protein balance is essential for growth of healthy hair? Our hair is made up of keratin, a protein but due to manipulation, the hair's protein…
So, let's talk about different ways I add moisture to my twists. You don't wanna install twists, fail to moisturize & instead of retaining length you lose it, right? Read…
Step by step wash day guide
So, I wanna share hair care practices responsible for growth and health. These are general hair care practices that you too can try out and most of them will work…
Do you condition your hair and how often? Do you know the different conditioner types, when and how to use them? With those questions in mind, read on. Conditioning restores…
It's been a minute since I featured a fellow natural hair blogger. If you are skeptical about trying out rice water, you may want to read this through, she's got…