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Mikalla Products Review on 4C Natural Hair

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Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.

Other than the usual questions on how do you grow your hair, I want my hair to look exactly like yours, what should I do? I get the, ‘ which products do you use? Will they work on my hair too?’ question and I wanna share the products have used and those that am still using. Your hair grows regardless of the product. You might be using the right products for your hair but end up noticing minimal growth. Products don’t grow your hair, consistent hair care practices do.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Mikalla hair products Review


My first was shampoo after fully transitioning was the Mikalla shampoo, i loved the fact that it was super affordable, had a heavenly scent but the downside is it contains sodium laureth sulfate making it a clarifying shampoo. Then, I had no idea about the drying effect of sulfate, you can guess it dried my hair since my hair is medium porosity and experiences minimal build up. I would recommend it to anyone experiencing build up or with low porosity hair to get rid of the build up and ensure you deep condition after cleansing. Lately I don’t use shampoo, am into a laundry bar soap as I figure out which shampoo to try next.

shampoo products
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Instant conditioner.

Mikalla honey and butter conditioner is it for me from the fact that it’s pocket friendly, has a really nice scent, the good slip and leaves my hair soft. The instant conditioner is perfect for pre-poo and detangling. Works perfect for co-washing in between wash days if you actively exercise or work in conditions where you get sweaty, dust and dirt. I would recommend it as a pre-poo, detangler, co-wash and instant conditioner(for defined curls and soft hair)

product_image_name-Mikalla-Honey & Butter Conditioner – 1L-1
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Deep conditioner.

It’s a Mikalla affair here, I use mikalla mayonnaise as my moisturizing conditioner, does a good moisturizing and softening hair job. It has olive and Shea butter which are great for hydrating and moisturizing your hair. If you’re experiencing dry hair I would recommend you pre-poo and try out the mayonnaise as your deep conditioner.

product_image_name-Mikalla-Hair Mayonnaise – 407g.-1
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Leave-in conditioner/Moisturizer

My all time favorite product, if I had to pick one product to use till the end of time, mikalla moisture boost would be that product. The product has Shea butter and castor oil which are essential for moisturizing and healthy hair. Mikalla leave-in leaves my hair moisturized for days , gives my twist outs and braid outs super defined curls, I would say it’s my curl activator and yes, I would recommend it.

product_image_name-Mikalla-Leave in Treatment-1 litre-1
Buy here


Olive and castor oils are my favorite oils. Castor oil stimulates growth and seals in the moisture while olive oil gives my hair shine and a darker color. I use my oils as pre-poo, hot oil treatment and sealants.

In other news, I would love to try these products and if you’ve tried them a review will do
Mosara hydrating butter and Mosara moisture milk
Sheth Naturals sheba shampoo bar soap

Have been on a twist out week and today was day four of twist out.

I would also love to know all about your experience with Mikalla products and which products are your favorite.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Passie

    So far have used Mikalla leave in conditioner and it’s perfect for my hair.

    1. NaturallyVal

      Am glad your hair loves youπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. Msdedeng

    Beautiful, healthy hair and skin πŸ™‚

    1. NaturallyVal

      Thank youπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ. My skin got some monthly acne issues πŸ˜‚

      1. Msdedeng

        It’s nothing at all, trust me.

  3. Wonani

    I wish my twist out looked like that πŸ˜‚

    1. NaturallyVal

      It’s as easy as figuring out the products that work best for your hair and practice makes perfectπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

  4. mwangikanyuah

    Definitely try Mosara and Sheth, they have been a blessing to my hair care

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