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Is Rice water a perfect pre-poo treatment for 4C Natural Hair.

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Your girl is on the rice water hype & I might be hyping you with the rice water for growth post lol. Catch up on my first rice water trial post here. I noticed a decrease in shed hair after taking down my 6 weeks mini twists & am thinking maybe just maybe rice water might be a blessing to my hair, will keep you updated.

Afro puff after 6 weeks of mini twists

How to use rice water as pre-poo
Afro puff after 6 weeks of mini twists

I did try using rice water  for pre-poo, would I recommend it? Did it work for me? Read on 

Hello ManEmbracers, how are y’all doing. I hope your hair is growing and skin is glowing. Welcome to my blog.

Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

So, I did try using rice water as my pre-poo treatment product on my wash day & lemme fill you in about it but first, have no clue what pre-poo is? Read about it here & a detailed post on rice water here.

Rice water as pre-poo

Let’s get back to my rice water pre-poo. I fermented the rice for a week, added lemon peels to curb the smell cos it stinks. Other than lemon, orange peels you can add essential oils(lavender, tea tree, rosemary)

Afro before rice water pre-poo
Afro before pre-poo

Pre-poo process.

  • Sieved rice water into a spray bottle
  • Added shungi oil to the rice water
  • Sprayed the rice water, a section at a time, finger detangled then twisted each section.
After rice water pre-poo treatment

I didn’t wash my hair in twists as I do because I had to give my scalp thorough cleansing after 6 weeks of mini twists. After cleansing, my hair felt super dry. You would think I didn’t pre-poo. Side note, I didn’t use a clarifying shampoo.

Will I try pre-pooing with rice water again? Am not sure, simply because I didn’t like the “dry hair” feel after cleansing, the moisturizing deep conditioner restored the moisture though.

Thank you for reading, share with everyone and support my blog here.

Have you tried using rice water as pre-poo? How did it go?

Two strand twists
Rocking these twist for the next 2 weeks

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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