Today’s post is all about how to wear natural hair with confidence, loving it in whichever and every state it’s in. There are humans who will make negative comments about your hair but flaunt it sis, it’s God’s gift to you.
It’s unbelievable that we are still having conversations about whether natural hair is professional, beautiful, and neat. I mean, why would God give it to you if He didn’t see it as beautiful? In His word, we find that after creation, He looked at everything and affirmed that it was beautiful and perfect. Why would we question that?
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.
Your gorgeous TWA, Afro curly, kinky hair is beautiful, and you should rock it with confidence. I know growing up we were made to believe that straight hair is more beautiful, official, and acceptable. Since I started wearing my hair in its natural curly, kinky, shrunken state, I barely straighten it, and when I do, it doesn’t look cute on me.

Table of Contents
How To Wear Natural Hair with Confidence.
Acceptance/ Love your hair.
The first step to wearing your natural hair with confidence is accepting your hair as it and choosing to love it. Believe that your hair is beautiful and your maker said so, it’s unique and part of your gorgeous self.
Related post: My 4C natural hair journey.
Follow bloggers and Youtubers with your type of hair.
I can’t insist enough, follow blogs and youtube channels with realistic hair content and tips. We all have seen the grow X amount of inches overnight, use this for massive growth in days kind of content, please stay away from that. Also, follow naturals with your type of hair, that will save you frustrations and questioning what’s wrong with your hair.
Create a Hair Vision Board/ Goals.
Having clear goals and vision for your hair goes a long way in giving your hair the TLC it deserves. Working with a goal in mind helps you enjoy the process and keep working towards making your goals and visions a reality.
Have realistic goals, there’s nothing like growing X amount of inches overnight, growth is a process and magic growth products are a scam. If growth products actually worked, we all would have waist length hair but do we? Focus on what you can control which is length retention, using the right products for your porosity type and being consistent with healthy hair care practices.
Consistent hair care routine and products that work for your hair.
Knowing products that work best for your hair and using them the right way will have your hair flourishing, cute, bouncy and all round gorgeous. The right products will moisturize your hair, give it the shine we love, define our curls, strengthen and soften our hair.

One thing that naturals with healthy, long and thick have in common is a healthy and consistent hair care routine. And if your goal is a flourishing Afro, you ought to create a routine that will work for your lifestyle and hair then be consistent. You can switch it up when need be. I’ve switched up my routine a couple of times with cleansing my hair monthly instead of twice a month being the major routine change.
Related posts:
- Healthy and consistent hair care routine
- Hair care beginner tips
- Must have hair care products and tools
- Wash day hair routine.
We have guides and a planner to ease your hair care journey and document every step of the way. Order yours here or hit the buy now button.
Accessories are a major confidence boost when it comes to natural hair. Use accessories to style your hair from using boho headbands, cute hair ties, hair pins, acrylic hair clips
Styles that work for you.
Knowing styles that work for your hair and face shape is an add on to your confidence. Figuring which styles work for your hair is all trial and error and searching for inspo styles for your face shape on pinterest. Be open to experimenting with products, styles and have fun while at it, enjoy the process too.
In conclusion, accept your hair as it is, love it, enjoy the process, be open to experimenting and learning, document every step of the journey. We have a hair care journal on our store to help you document weekly hair practices and styles. Grab it here.
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