Use these products after washing your hair if you want healthy hair and growth

Hair Products to Use after Washing Natural Hair

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Using these hair products after washing your natural hair will keep it healthy, soft, strong, moisturized and retain as much moisture as possible and give your curls the definition we all love. I mean, who says no to defined coils and curls?

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Hair products offer a plethora of benefits to your hair. From getting rid of the dirt, knots and tangles, moisturizing, strengthening, repairing damage, giving your hair its natural shine and stimulating growth. Choosing the right products for your hair and using them the right way will go a long way in smashing those hair goals.

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Best hair products to use after washing your hair

After washing your hair, you’ll need products to moisturize your hair and retain hair moisture, help with styling and defining your curls and coils. Between washes the most important thing is to keep your hair moisturized and protected, this helps with minimizing hair breakage and damage.

Use These Hair products After Washing Your Hair.

First, let’s start with products you need on wash day/ the wash day process. The essential products for your hair wash day regimen are detanglers, shampoos, moisturizing deep conditioners, protein treatments and lastly the products you need after rinsing off the deep Conditioners; the moisturizing hair products.

Before washing your hair, consider doing a pre-shampoo treatment to minimize the stripping effects of shampoos especially the clarifying shampoo. Some pre-shampoo treatments like African Pride Moisture Miracle Aloe & Coconut Water Pre-Shampoo, Dr. Miracle’s Strong & Healthy Detangling Pre-Shampoo Treatment and Carol’s Daughter Goddess Strength Ultra Shield Pre Poo Hair Treatment have a good slip meaning you can use them as detanglers.

Detanglers are important especially if your hair is matted or tangled. They offer a great slip that melts the tangles and makes it easy to separate the knots and tangles. Always detangle your hair before washing to avoid more tangles and for smooth cleansing.

Some of the best detanglers for matted hair;

The next step after pre- pooing and detangling your hair is cleansing. Cleansing is the step where you remove all the dirt and product build up from your hair and scalp. You can use a gentle cleansing shampoo, conditioning shampoo or a clarifying shampoo. Massage your scalp to break down all the dirt and product build-up.

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Wash day products to use

Products to Use after Washing your Hair.

Deep Conditioners.

After washing your hair, don’t leave at that and call it a wash day. I was once that girl who only did the washing and skipping everything else and alot of breakage, dry hair and split ends happened. Don’t be me, use these products for healthy and gorgeous hair. Deep conditioning is a NEVER skip wash day step especially if your hair is dry and damaged.

Moisturizing deep conditioners are perfect for dry hair, they deep moisturize and condition the hair, keep it soft and those curls popping and bouncy. After cleansing, apply a moisturizing deep conditioner immediately after rinsing off the shampoo. Read more on how to use moisturizing deep conditioners on this post .

Best moisturizing deep conditioners

Also, protein based deep conditioners or protein treatments are perfect for weak and damaged hair. If you use heat on your hair, bleached/ colored your hair or your hair is weak and damaged, consider adding protein treatments to your wash day regimen. They help repair damage and strengthen the hair minimizing breakage.

Protein Treatments for damaged and weak

Not sure if your hair needs a protein based deep conditioner, you can choose a balanced deep conditioner that has both protein and moisturizing properties. Some of balanced deep Conditioners include;

Hair Products to Use after Washing Natural Hair

Moisturizing Products/ Leave-In Conditioner

Immediately after rinsing off a deep conditioner, apply a moisturizing product or leave-in conditioner to moisturize. Don’t wait until your hair dries to moisturize. Moisturizing damp or wet hair on wash day helps retain moisture in your hair longer and defines your coils and curls.

Unlike other conditioners, leave-in conditioners are to be left in your hair until the next wash day, don’t rinse it out. Leave-in conditioners are perfect for moisturizing in between wash days. You can also use moisturizing hair mists to re-moisturize in between washes.

Best leave-in conditioners for dry hair

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Moisture Sealants

Moisture sealants keep the moisture locked in your hair longer. They are either butters or oils. After applying your go to leave-in conditioner, follow up with a moisture sealant. Personally, I don’t use moisture sealants, some leave-in creams work just fine for me. My go to moisturizing leave-in cream is African pride moisture miracle coconut oil and baobab oil leave-in cream.

Perfect Moisture Sealants

Styling Products

Styling products range from curl creams, styling gels, edge control gels, foams etc. For defined curls and coils, go for curl cream, use styling gels for sleek down styles and edge control gels for slaying those edges.

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Lastly, choose products that meet your hair needs.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.