Mini twists are small sized twists, cute, protective, easy to install and low manipulation style. They are a protective style as long as you don’t over manipulate them, hold them tightly, keep them for far too long and skip moisturizing.
Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.
Growing natural hair long or thick is almost every naturals goal, I don’t think I know a natural who isn’t chasing length or volume alongside healthy hair. As a beginner I would advice chase healthy hair first, volume and length will automatically be added to you.
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One of the major ways to grow your hair is retaining length cos your hair is always growing but if you don’t retain the length, you’ll be out here going, “why is my hair not growing” or “which products will grow my hair”
Protective styles that are actually protective will help you retain length. To start off, get to know about why your favorite protective styles aren’t growing your hair here. One protective style that am always wearing and would say helps me grow my hair is mini twists and I’ll be wearing them all through my hair growth challenge with a week or a few days break.
I wear mini twists like 80% of the time cos I find them easier to install, yes 3-4 hours and aching arms is easy to install and because it saves me time when it comes to styling. If you struggle with styling as I do, mini twists will be your best friend for life. Let’s get down to the pros and how they are your gateway to hair growth;

What you should know about mini twists on hair
- Makes it easy to moisturize and access your scalp for scalp massages
- Minimal manipulation, with mini twists you don’t have to style daily, brush or comb your hair. I do moisturize, give my scalp a growth stimulating and relaxing scalp massage then hold the twists in a bun for days.
- Minimize tangles– your strands are held together and in an organized way so the chances of the strands hugging and tangling are minimal unless you wear the twists for far too long.
- Prevent single strand knots– mini twists will save you from these stubborn little things. Single strand knots happen when a strand curls up on itself and forms knots. Other than wearing protective styles that prevent knotting, get to know other ways to reduce single strand knots here.
- Minimize breakage– every protective style should prevent major breakage and most breakage is caused by over manipulation, tangles and single strand knots and friction between your hair and cloth. As long as you’re moisturizing your mini twists and not over manipulating them, you’ll save yourself from massive breakage. Side note: if you’re struggling with breakage, have got a list of things that might be the cause here.
- Mini twists are easy to install and the best part is you can do it yourself(DIY) and are perfect when your hair needs a break from manipulating and being out there.
- Mini twists are also easy to style. You can wear them in different styles, Pinterest will give you mini twists styling ideas from buns, Bantu knots, ponytails, side buns etc.
- If your wash day depends on your water supplier, you can easily redo the front, sides and the back (visible) parts of your twists and wear them until your water supplier decides it’s time for a take down.
How to maintain mini twists.
To retain that length, you’ll need to properly maintain your mini twists and this entails:
- Moisturize and seal. Don’t install your twists, tuck the ends and forget about it. Dry hair equals lots of breakage. Moisturize from the roots to the ends and seal in the moisture. Side note: if you’re struggling with dry brittle hair, check out different ways you can add moisture to your hair here
- Don’t over manipulate. Styling every now and then and hands on hair syndrome will cost you. Style at least twice or thrice a week and moisturize before manipulating.
- Keep your ends tucked on most days to minimize frizz and friction between your ends and clothes.
- Sleep with satin scarf or bonnet and if you just can’t sleep with your head covered, invest in satin pillowcases.
How long should you keep your mini twists?
How long you keep mini twists depends on you and how well your hair holds without getting all fuzzy.
I keep my mini twists for 2-3 weeks since I don’t wash or co-wash my hair when it’s in mini twists.
See you on the next post, share this with anyone who would find it help, sharing is caring???. Follow me on Instagram for daily hair care tips here.