How to detangle matted 4c hair

4 Game changer Detangling tips for 4C Natural Hair.

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Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are growing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.

Detangling process is one of the stages that make wash day an extreme sport, I mean, who doesn’t dread it? Personally, am not a fan of detangling especially after wearing my hair out, in a puff.

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Side note; to keep your hair healthy, flourishing, growing and retaining length from your growth, you need a consistent Healthy & Simple 4C Natural Hair Routine.

Detangling tips for matted naturalhair

It’s annoying but very essential and gets easier with time especially when you learn the art of detangling, products and tools to use. To y’all new to natural hair journey, detangling is simply the process of getting rid of tangles and knots. Let’s get down to detangling simplified.

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Detangling tools.

Spray bottle – To spray water on your until damp before applying a detangling product.
Instant conditioner/ detangler/oils – detangling products needed to give your hair the slip you need to detangle.
Rat tail comb & Wide tooth comb/Fingers – to detangle the hair
Clips – to hold the hair sections.

How to detangle.

Section- I’ll repeat this over and over again, always work with sectioned hair. Section your hair using a rat tail comb or your fingers into 4-8 parts depending on your volume, length and tangles. Clip each of the sections.

Related post -Why sectioning Natural Hair is important.

I do work in 4 parts when the tangling is minimal and on those days when I have enjoyed wearing my hair out, over styled it and the tangles are full blown, I work with 8 or more sections. Sectioning makes it super easy since you work with a section at a time rather than having a whole chunk of tangled hair to work through.

Related post: everything you need to know about tangles.

Apply your instant conditioner/detangler/oils.
Now that you have dampened your hair, you’ll need a product that will give you a good slip for easier detangling. Use a conditioner, instant detangler or an oil of choice. I have tried using a instant conditioner and olive/castor oils for my detangling which has worked perfect for me.

Related post; 24 Best Detanglers for Tangled 4C Natural Hair

Detangle– You can detangle instantly or have the products act as a prepoo, let them sit in your hair for a few minutes or hours. You can choose to use a deep conditioning thermal cap to infuse the products within the shortest time. Letting the products sit in your hair aids in proper product penetration to your strands, adds moisture to your hair, makes detangling easier and reduces the stripping effect of shampooing, what I meant to say is the products acts as a prepoo treatment.

African pride moisture miracle pre-shampoo treatment will give you the slip you need to detangle. It works as both a pre-shampoo treatment and detangler.

Detangling each section at a time and start with your ends and work all through to the roots. Separate the tangles and the knots first using your fingers because fingers are gentle and using fingers reduces breakage. Make sure you’ve detangled the whole length and most importantly gotten rid of shed hair since it tends to tangle and knot with your hair if left.

You can finish up detangling by combing through your length with a wide tooth comb or a detangling brush starting with the ends going up your length. I would advice you finger detangle first before using the comb to avoid excessive breakage. Clip the detangled section or loosely twist or braid.

Well, I hope you’ve learnt a new tip and your detangling process will get easier. In other news you can ease your detangling process by reducing tangles, knots and wearing protective styles.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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