Remember the what’s natural hair to you series? Well, here is to comeback or may not.
Hello ManEmbracers, I hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure to keep it here for everything hair care. To my loyal ones & day ones welcome back.
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.

Who is Chebby Karimi, JustNaturalKe
I am Chebby Karimi, an African girl from Nakuru Kenya, a happy soul, a believer, lover of love, natural hair, nature & African cultures.
I am an upcoming naturalista (I’m only 1yr 8 months in). I am currently a freelance natural hair stylist in Nakuru town among other things & an Instagram content creator around hair & books.
What’s natural hair to you?
Natural hair to me is not just hair, a trend, or style. It is my identity as an black African girl. Natural hair reminds me that I am all a part of nature since it grows upwards towards the sun like trees.

Why “JustNaturalKe?”
I’m just Natural I can say. How I came up with this name is when I started wearing my hair out & people will ask me is that your hair? How come it’s so curly & kinky? And I would say It’s just Natural, I still do & I couldn’t think of a better name for my page than JustNaturalKe.
Also having JustNaturalKe as my page name has helped me attract so many fellow Naturalistas. I am glad.
When and why did you start embracing your gorgeous natural hair, any inspiration to it?
For a very long time I never viewed natural hair as a big thing. Hair in general was the least of my concerns until the year 2019 when I started meeting girls who have embraced their natural hair & how beautiful & healthy it looked & I decided why not? I thought of it for a year & on 5th April 2020 I officially returned natural & started making my own hair at home(thanks to covid)
What’s that one hair practice would you do away with if you could?
Detangling. Like for real I don’t wish that my hair was straight but I wish there was a way to go around it & I won’t consume too much time during wash days.
As for practices I did away with are, stretching using heat & using surface conditioners after shampooing I just don’t see the need & I’ll deep condition anyway.
What do you love the most about your natural hair?
The fact that it’s alive. Yes I believe that African natural hair is alive because what happens when it comes to contact with water? Or when humidity changes? It shrinks. Also the fact that Black natural hair has the audacity to defy gravity, that always has it for me. It’s magical & I love it.

Which hair goal are you currently chasing?
I think it’s everything: health, volume & length. I feel like I have achieved health though. My hair is currently the healthiest it’s ever been.
Do you love your hair short, medium length or long?
My hair is currently medium length, and to be honest I don’t like it here. I can’t wait to see how it looks while long. (now you can imagine the amount of convincing I do every day to keep me from trying ‘magical’ growth products) I think I’ll love it more when it’s a little bit longer.
Do you feel like Natural hair is overrated & is it expensive to maintain?
I once heard someone on Instagram saying that natural hair is overrated & boy did I get pissed off? Natural hair is actually underrated, it’s not yet out there the way it should be. I feel like more people need to embrace it.
Is it expensive to maintain? Yes & no, why, because it all depends on what you can afford. There are affordable products like mikalla woman or tcb naturals that are formulated for natural hair that one can easily start with before they can start buying the expensive products like Cantu & aunt Jackie’s. There’s always a place to start. For me personally it’s not expensive because before I transitioned I used to use 2k every month in a salon.
Which hair care tips would you swear by?
Deep conditioning after every wash and daily moisturizing.
What’s your favorite hair style and which hair style have you been meaning to try out?
Two strand twists & an afro any day any time though I really want to try out this 3tone ombre spring twists.
How does wearing your natural hair make you feel?
It makes me feel proud & confident really. Like when I’m walking in town with my hair out I feel like I own the world lol.
What would you tell someone who wants to embrace their natural hair but still unsure about it?
Don’t overthink it. Just do it. Start from where you are at, (as I said there are legit affordable hair products out there, follow natural hair bloggers/content creators,(e.g. me & Val), ask questions & have fun while at it don’t be shy or scared, when I started this journey I didn’t even know how to do twists & now there’s no style I can’t try out. Trust me your hair will thank you for this.
Mic drop
I don’t just do hair, I connect. I connect with my hair every time I run my fingers through my afro. It gives me a sense of belonging.. In short I belong to my hair & my hair belongs to me.
You can find me at @justnaturalke on IG @Chebbykarimi on fb & on e-mail.