Best Time to Detangle 4C Natural Hair.
Tangles happen and we need to know when detangle, what to use and how to minimize the tangles. Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an…
Tangles happen and we need to know when detangle, what to use and how to minimize the tangles. Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an…
On this post, we talk benefits of stretching 4C natural hair or rather why you should consider keeping your hair stretched. Do you prefer rocking your 4C hair in stretched…
Haven't nailed moisturizing your 4C natural hair? Well, this moisturizing guide is for you. 4C hair is prone to breakage, tangles and can be dry if you haven't learned how…
If you're new to hair care, I know you've asked yourself the when and how often should you moisturize your hair question. On today's post we talk about that and…
What're the benefits of Moisturizing Natural Hair? This post answers that. Do you moisturize your gorgeous hair and how often? I hope you use the right moisturizing products for your…
Best Hair care Practices For Hair Growth
Moisturizing after washing is super important, you don't want clean but dry and hard hair after washing. Don't just moisturize, seal in the moisture. Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is…
How often do you wear protective styles? Are there benefits of protective styles? Hello AfroQueens, hope your hair is growing and skin glowing. Welcome to my blog and be sure…