Twists on dry hair Benefits of twisting dry hair

Two Strand Twists; Tips on Twisting Dry Natural Hair

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Twisting dry natural hair has its benefits just like twisting on wet hair. Should you twist wet or dry? That depends on the results you want to achieve or rather how you want your twists and twist outs to turn out.

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Twisting dry natural hair
Twists on dry hair

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Personally, I prefer twisting on dry hair. By dry hair I don’t mean weak, brittle dry hair, I mean moisturized hair where you start by moisturizing your hair, stretch it and let it dry before installing the twists. Find all twists related posts here.

Everything Twisting Dry Natural Hair

Step by step guide on how I twist on dry hair.

  • I start with freshly washed and conditioned hair. My wash day starts with prepoo and detangling with my DIY rosemary infused oil, shampoo then deep condition. Catch up on my wash day routine on this post.
  • After rinsing off the deep conditioner, I moisturize with my go to leave-in conditioner and seal the moisture with a butter or oil. Always moisturize your hair after washing or rather after rinsing off the deep conditioner, don’t let it dry then moisturize. This helps with retaining as much moisture as possible.
  • After moisturizing, I wear 8-10 braids to stretch my hair. I prefer installing protective styles on stretched hair. This gives my twists and twist outs some length unlike wet hair that shrinks and you end up with shorter twists and twist outs.
  • I let the hair air dry while in braids and once dry I install the twists. I start by unraveling a braid, install the twists I want whether it’s mini twists, medium size twists or chunky twists and repeat for each braid.
  • I don’t use a twisting or curling cream but you can choose to apply when twisting. Find the best twisting creams on this post.
Twists and twist outs on dry natural hair
Mini twists out, Installed the mini twists on dry hair.

Benefits of Twisting on Dry Hair

  • More length: unlike twists on wet hair that tend to shrink, dry hair will give your more length especially when you stretch your hair before twisting. You can choose to use heat to stretch or heatless methods.
  • Loose curls: Your twist outs will have looser curls unlike the tight and defined curls achieved with twisting on wet hair. Also, the twist outs will have more length as well.
  • Unlike twisting wet hair where twists take longer to dry, you don’t have to worry about waking up with damp hair or waiting forever to unravel for the juicy twist outs.
  • The downside of twisting on dry hair is they may unravel. If you notice them unravelling, use a curl cream or any product that will give them the hold.

Feel like twisting dry hair isn’t your cup of coffee, catch up on all details on twisting wet hair on this post.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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