Mistakes are inevitable but can be avoided.
Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.
If you have always wanted to wear a bouncy, juicy and defined twist and braid out but you end up with a fluffy afro and a puff. I once was that girl though I didn’t stress much about perfecting them ASAP cos I loved my puffs.
Mastering twist and braid outs will depend on how you go about with your twists and braids, you know the saying “what you sow you reap.” Yeah, perfect your twists and braids first. Let’s get down to why you can’t perfect the twists and braid outs.
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Mistakes costing you bomb braid outs and twist out
Working with not properly detangled hair.
Detangle your hair before cleansing as you condition and right before twisting or braiding, you can’t afford a tangled mess. Hair with tangles and knots will give you a rugged and tangled twist and braid out. Always detangle your hair properly before wearing any style, a tangle and knot free hair will give a gorgeous hairstyle.
24 Best Detanglers for Tangled 4C Natural Hair
Trimming and Dusting.
Damaged and split ends are a recipe for a rugged, tangled and messy twist and braid out. Trim or dust the ends for a defined, fluffy and lush twist and braid outs.
Trimming 4C Natural Hair without Heat at Home.
Equal sections.
Sectioning your hair is as important too. Your to twist and braid sections should be equal. We all have done it, the borrowing from one section cos the sections weren’t equal and almost ends up with frizz and a tangled twist and braid out. Always work with equal sections for a bomb twist and braid out.
Not using the right products.
Finding the right products for your hair texture is super important when it coming to nailing any style. Get a cream like moisture miracle curling cream for your twists that will give defined, fluffy twist and braid outs. Some leave in conditioners will give defined twists and braid outs too, like mikalla moisture boost works for me all the time.
Top 30 Best Curling Creams for Type 4 Hair.
Using too much or little product.
It’ll take you sometime to figure out the right amount for your hair but it worth the trials to get it right. As usual start small as you progress. Too little may not give you the definition and too much will weigh down your hair and most probably not dry by the time you taking down the twists and braids.

Not completely dry.
No one likes frizz on their hair and taking down your twists and braids still wet will get you that. Ensure your twists and braids are completely dry before taking them down. Squeeze the twists and braids on your finger to check if dry, if you notice moisture on your finger it ain’t time yet.
The take down
How you take down your twists and braid out matters. First, don’t use your nails if you have any broken nails or art work that would ruin your hair. Gently take down the braids and twists.
Too much fluffing
I know you want your hair full, show off the volume but too much of everything….. Fluffing and separation is okay when done moderately. Go slow with your hair pick and choose whether you want definition, volume or both.
What’s one thing that messed up your twist and braid outs?
Voted. Good luck!
Thank you sis💜💜💜