Best time to detangle and detanglers to use

Best Time to Detangle 4C Natural Hair.

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Tangles happen and we need to know when detangle, what to use and how to minimize the tangles.

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Our 4c hair easily tangles because of shrinkage and how strands curl on each other. Reason why you should consider stretching your hair and rocking stretched styles. You can choose to stretch with heat or use heatless methods like African threading, braiding and banding.

Related post: benefits of stretching 4C hair.

Best time to detangle 4c natural hair

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On today’s post, we look at the best time to detangle your hair.

The best time to detangle.

Before installing a protective style.

Always install a protective style on detangled hair don’t just separate the strands and install your braids and twists without checking for tangles. If you notice any tangles before installing a long term protective style, that’s your cue to detangle.

Related post: benefits of protective styles

How do you detangle before installing a protective style? Moisturize your hair if it isn’t moisturized, some leave-in conditioners have a good slip essential for detangling. Use your fingers to detangle then follow up with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush if you need to.

Related post: how to prep your hair for a protective style.

Before cleansing.

Should you detangle before cleansing or after cleansing? Personally, I do both though I pay more attention to before cleansing to get rid of all shed hair and tangles after weeks of two strand twists, my go to protective style.

Related post: best detanglers for matted hair

How do you detangle before cleansing? First, section your hair into small manageable parts and hold each part with a scrunchie or clip. Spray water on the section until your hair is damp, apply your go to detangler or conditioner with a good slip. Start off with using your fingers to gently detangle and comb through your hair then follow up with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush.

After cleansing.

Sometimes if not most times, our hair may tangle after the shampooing or rather cleansing and to get rid of the tangles, be sure to detangle after. After cleansing, the next step in your wash day regimen ought to be deep conditioning and this is where you get rid of those tangles.

How do you detangle after cleansing? Most deep conditioners have a good slip so detangling is easy. If you apply your deep conditioner in sections like I do, apply on each section then run a wide tooth comb or detangling brush.

Must know detangling tips.

  • Always work with small and manageable sections when detangling, it’s much easier than dealing with a big chunk of hair.
  • Never detangle when on a rush unless you wanna end up frustrated. Detangle when you’ve got the time, don’t rush through and be gentle
  • Use a product with a great slip to easily melt away the tangles. Most conditioners have a great slip, you can choose to use a detangler too.
  • Choose a detangling tool that works best for you. Can be your fingers, wide tooth comb or a detangling brush.
  • When detangling, start with your ends and work through to your roots and never detangle hair when it’s dry.

How to painlessly detangle matted hair.

Is your hair matted, probably from a long term protective style? I know detangling that can feel like an extreme sport and a pain but it’s possible to detangle without pain. The very first is to section your hair into small parts and be gentle while at it.

Once sectioned, take your spray bottle, add some water and spritz on your hair until damp then apply a detangle with a good slip. You might need a lot of that detangler or conditioner to melt away the tangles. I would advice you start combing out with your fingers from the ends towards your roots to get rid of all the shed hair.

Follow up with your detangling tool of choice. You can either use a wide tooth comb or detangling brush. Start with your roots to the ends and be gentle.

How to minimize tangles and knots.

  • Keep your hair moisturized. Moisturized hair is less likely to tangle. Use your go to leave-in conditioner to moisturize and keep the moisture locked with a butter of choice.
  • Wear your hair stretched more or wear stretched hairstyles. I know puffs and shrunken afros are cute but if you don’t want to stress about detangling, stretched hair is it for you.
  • Get rid of the split and damaged ends, those ones will cost you. They will easily tangle and not only that, they give your styles a rugged look.

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When is your best time to detangle?

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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