Top 11 Natural Hair Care Essentials
So, let's talk about my hair care essentials products and tools. Ain't a product junkie so you won't find stocked products from different brands or all hair care tools out…
So, let's talk about my hair care essentials products and tools. Ain't a product junkie so you won't find stocked products from different brands or all hair care tools out…
How do you keep your 4c hair moisturized for longer, you ask? This post is for you. Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook…
Step by step wash day guide
Do you condition your hair and how often? Do you know the different conditioner types, when and how to use them? With those questions in mind, read on. Conditioning restores…
It's been a minute since I featured a fellow natural hair blogger. If you are skeptical about trying out rice water, you may want to read this through, she's got…
Is it late for which hair goals to chase in 2021, post? What are your this year's hair goals & do you have a plan on how to achieve them?…
Tools and products are as essential as natural hair regimen. Grab hair care guides, Ebooks and hair journals here, to help you grow your hair long, thick and healthy. Hello…
Breakage, we all dread the word when it comes to our natural hair, I do too. Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank…