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Transitioning to 4C Natural Hair? What to expect

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We don’t go natural, we return where we belong.

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What to know when Transitioning to Natural Hair

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Once you return Natural, you’ll notice that:

My blog post today is all about natural hair rants and things I don’t appreciate about being a natural. Yes, there are a couple of things that piss me off, get me rolling my eyes and feeling like punching someone on their face. Am sure every natural hair queen has gone through a couple of, ‘what did you just say moment.’

First, we don’t go natural. You heard me right, most of naturals put it like, ‘ I went natural two years ago.’ Personally, I didn’t go natural I embraced my natural hair that I had neglected for some reason. Now you know , next time talk about embracing your natural hair not going natural. Thank you.

Embrace your natural hair and you will have to explain why your hair is untidy, messy and all that. People will be on your fix your hair case, get you salon dates and others will hand you cash to fix your mane cause wearing your natural hair means a girl is broke. Do you know how much my conditioners only cost?

Ever had to explain why your hair isn’t curly like all the natural hair influencers on YouTube or why your hair shrinks into a TWA? We all got different hair textures and curl types and we choose to embrace our kinks and arm pit length hair which isn’t really armpit cause shrinkage won’t let us prosper.

Am I the only one who hates when a random person touches my hair or asks if they can touch my hair? Why do you wanna touch my hair so bad? Sorry, if you ain’t helping me detangle or twist my hair and you ain’t my man, please stay away from my hair. Thank you

I can’t wait for the day we can wear our natural hair proudly without being judged and labelled, ‘messy, unofficial, ghetto’ and so on. It’s our God given beauty, our pride and gorgeous crown. So you know, your crown doesn’t need fixing it’s gorgeous as it is, wear it proudly.

Posts Related to Transitioning

What’s that one thing about being natural that you dislike or statements that piss you off? Let’s share, encourage and gas each other up.

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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  1. mwangikanyuah

    😒calling my hair shaggy after I’ve showered it with expensive products! Let’s embrace our manes

    1. JustVal

      I feel you mahn but our manes will keep on prospering

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