Toddler’s hair needs TLC just as adult’s hair & on this post one of my favorite hair care coach and mom shares what all moms need to know about caring for a toddler’s hair.
Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.
Feel like your hair has been the same length forever, I’ve an Ebook that will help you grow your hair healthier, longer and thicker. Grab your copy here… Also, check out all the Ebooks,guides and journals that will go a long way in your hair care journey here.
Am super jazzed to introduce you to this amazing natural hair coach and mom who’ll be sharing tips on caring your toddler’s hair. Make an effort to check out her Instagram for some hair inspiration and coaching, it’ll be worth, I can promise you that.
Table of Contents
Everything toddler’s hair care
Who’s Dorcas/Afrophbabe
My name is Dorcas, I am a married mom of 3, two boys and one girl
I currently live in London, UK but originally from Nigeria and I am a Natural Hair Enthusiast and Coach. I also work full time as an IT Business Analyst in the UK’s Health Sector.
How do you making wash days, styling and plaiting easy and fun.
So my daughter and I use this as a bonding experience, I ask her how her day was? We talk about what I’m going to do to her hair. I give her an opportunity to choose her best style from options I provide.
Sometimes I need to take photos of her hair and she loves the photo shoot experience. We generally make it playful and relaxed. Some other times we need breaks and then get back to it. There is some YouTube and TV involved as well lol.
The struggle with caring for your hair and hers.for
I don’t find it overwhelming at all. I tend not to wash our hair on the same day so I schedule mine and hers on two separate days to make it easier. I love braiding, plaiting, etc so it’s quite therapeutic for me
Lessons learnt from your girl’s hair journey
I’ve learnt that caring for your hair will allow it to thrive and flourish. She had a lot of balding as a baby but with care and nurture, they filled out and grew nicely and evenly
What you would have done different
There was a week I allowed someone else do her hair when I was really busy and they damaged her hair. I would never let that happen again.
Tips to share with other moms on how to grow their hair
Love and Care for your child’s hair like you would any other part of their body
Create a simple yet effective routine for their Hair Care
Be intentional and consistent
Do not do damaging things to their hair as you can damage their follicles forever
Dos and don’ts of caring for a toddler’s hair
Wash, condition and moisturize your toddler’s hair
Do a protective style
Keep hair moisturized
Protect hair for bed – Satin bonnet or pillow case
Massage their scalp
Don’t put extensions on toddler’s hair
Don’t leave hair to dry out
Don’t use chemicals on their tender scalp
Don’t do tight hair styles, keep them gentle
Well, I do hope this was helpful to you moms and moms to be. Sharing is caring???
Beginners this is for you, a starter pack just for you at the most affordable price, you get shampoo, hydrating butter and deep conditioner.
Amaizing 🤗 how I would have loved to have had hair care from a young age😁