7 ways to reduce single strand knots on 4C Natural Hair.
Single strand knots are normal when it comes to curly, kinky hair since the curls are tightly held, the looser the curls, the less the single strand knots. Single strands…
Single strand knots are normal when it comes to curly, kinky hair since the curls are tightly held, the looser the curls, the less the single strand knots. Single strands…
There are 3 hair porosity types⦁ Low porosity⦁ Medium/normal porosity⦁ High porosity “Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I…
Nailing wash and goal can be quite a task but your girl tried. Hello mane embracers, I hope your crowns are flourishing and your skin glowing. Thank you for stopping…
Detangling simplified
No, we ain’t cutting our hair for love. The natural hair is part of the package
Length retention means retaining your existing hair length through proper hair care practices and consistent hair care routine. Feeling like your hair isn’t growing , haven’t noticed increase in length for sometime or it feels like your hair has stopped growing? Well, your hair is always growing and most probably you aren’t retaining the length, […]
Welcome to my natural hair the good, bad and ugly version. My natural hair journey isn't a fancy or inspiring one but it's an educating worth a read one. "Disclosure:…