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Hot combs

Hot combs Era; Love in the hair but hot combs?

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I grew up during the era of hot combs(how old am I again? lol.)

Heeyyah mane embracers, how’re y’all holding up? Thank you for stopping by and welcome to my natural hair blog.

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Let’s take a walk back to my childhood where I really loved my hair but hated everything that came with it.

Growing up I envied my mom’s and auntie’s hair, they had long and voluminous hair and this little girl had a dream to grow her hair that long but that dream was cut short by the hurts, pains and tears that came with it.

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Hot combs

]The combs were heated directly by stove and used to straighten the hair. The hot combs were so hot that they would literally burn your scalp and this was the worst part of growing my hair long.

I remember the hair dresser would apply oil/hair food on your hair before burning it up. Yes, burning it up, the ‘smoke’ that rose after the hot comb lands on your hair would get you thinking your hair is literally on fire.

The hot combs are back as electric hot combs, I hope they’re better & more gentle

The plaiting was a nightmare too, the pulling and the neck aches. I always had cornrows on my hair for school and braids when out of school. I can’t remember how long I had my hair until I had it all shaved off like the Steve Austin’s kind of shave.

On this day, I tell mom that once she takes the cornrows down am shaving off my hair because I can’t take the hot combs and plaiting one more time.

Guess what? My amazing, loving African mom never took my cornrows down. I had a clean shave with the cornrows on. I would love to remember how my head looked after that but I was angry and pissed to remember but I bet I had some beautiful lines on my head??and that’s how my journey to growing long hair came to a halt.

Thank You for reading???

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Valerie Kinoti

Napturally Val has loved all things hair since she was 8 and always dreamt of having long hair. Decades later she is living the long hair dream and sharing all tips, tricks she has learned over the years.

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